Artsakh To Live

Collected - 169,246,305 AMD

Why to become an Ambassador of the project

An Ambassador of Artsakh To Live is the one, who believes that future of Artsakh is in our hands.  Who believes that the development of Artsakh and its' status depends on us. Who never gives up and believes that Artsakh is our motherland. Who knows that to make the land prosper, one has to live on it. Who pays tribute to Armenian soldiers who heroically died for Artsakh... Who doesn't spare efforts to make Artsakh live  for the glory of Armenian sovereignity and its devoted children... Who stands by all those ones who live in Artsakh making it revive again.


If you believe that we, Armenians, have things to do for making Artsakh live, you are the Ambassador of Artsakh To Live! 


As an Ambassador, you will introduce our mission in Artsakh. Your confidence and trust will enhance the Armenian Artsakh. Lead by your example, new people will join us, offering their support to Artsakh, donating to the projects, or simply supporting the Foundation.


Your monthly membership is to contribute solely towards various projects in Artsakh. This is an annual membership. Your firm commitment to this mission is required to become an Ambassador every year.


You are welcome to join our devoted team, if you see yourself in this incredibly important position!


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Become an Ambassador of Artsakh To Live project

Together making Artsakh to live


Why to become an Ambassador of the project

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How to apply. Apply


Our Ambassadors. See more
